Wednesday, December 31, 2008
New Years Charity Competition
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas
Hope to see you all at our New Years Day Charity Competition on Lough Key.
Till then,
Tight Lines & Have a Great Christmas!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Fresh Wind!
The new committee of a Total of 12 persons consists of the elected officers, vice- and assistant officers and 5 additional members as follows:
Chairman: Eamon Conroy
Vice-Chairman: Patrick Egan
Secretary: Jane Suffin
Assistant Secretary: Brian Rush
Treasurer: Hubert Geoghegan
Assistant Treasurer: Shane O'Dowd
PRO/blogmaster: Bodo Funke
Owen Garvin
John Nicholson
David Greene
Joe Mulrennan
John Gallagher
I am personnally excited about this new concept and in particular about the fact that a few more of the younger generations have made it into the committee and will be able to have some input into the running of this club.
I want to congratulate the new chairman and his committee and sincerely wish them/ us the best of luck with the tasks ahead.
So it looks like you are going to put up with me here on this medium for another while as the running of the blog is now part of the PRO job-sheet.
Thanks to everybody for showing an interest and looking in here over the past year. I will try to update this column frequently with hopefully some relevant and interesting items on a continuing basis.
An update with photos of our Christmas Party and Presentation of the Angler of the Year will follow here soon.
An EGM (Extraordinary General Meeting) of Boyle & District Angling Club will be held on Thursday January 8th 2009 in Tawnytaskin School, Boyle.
On the agenda for this meeting is the presentation and hopefully adaption of a constitution for the Club.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Jane wins the last one
Some good fish were caught on the day, best of which was Jane Suffins cracking 20lbs 8oz pike which won the day event.

2nd was Shane O'Dowd with a nice double weighing 14lbs 12oz.
3rd was Owen Garvin with a 10lbs fish.
We also now have the Results of the league for the year and it is clear that once again
John Nicholson will be crowned Angler of the Year in the mens league.
Lucy Garvin is the female Angler of the Year, and
Gary Nicholson is our Junior Angler of the Year
A full version of the League is available from our Club secretary,
the top tens list including the Runners up and thirds will be published here soon.
The presentation of the Anglers of the Year will take place on Saturday the 6th of December in Clarke's Pub.
See you all there.
In the meantime Well Done to all the winners of both day and year events!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Last Competition
Fishing will be from 10am to 4pm. Entry Fee: Euro 15.- per person.
This is the last "Pounds recorded" competition and the decider for this years "Angler of the Year" titles in all three categories, Men, Ladies and Juniors respectively.
Good Luck & Tight Lines to all competitors!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Upcoming Events
A Meeting,
that will be held on Thursday, November 13th. in Tawnytaskin School at 10 pm.
On the agenda will be this years Christmas Party/Presentation of the Angler of the Year, which is scheduled for Saturday the 6th of December.
Members please attend to confirm if they (and their partners) wish to attend this event, or let us otherwise know e.g. via text, e-mail or phone call by Thursday evening.
We really need to know at this stage, so please be in touch.
Final Competition
The last competition of our Angler of the Year League is going to be held on Sunday 16th of November (this Sunday coming)!
The fishing is scheduled from 10 am to 4pm. (Weather permitting!)
This is as usual an open pike angling competition. Boat angling only!
This years Annual General meeting of Boyle & District Angling Club will be held on Thursday the 11th of December 2008. (time to be confirmed)
All members please attend!
Friday, November 7, 2008
League Update!
Male Top 10
1st: John Nicholson 74lbs 4oz
2nd: David Greene 49lbs 9oz
3rd: Eamon Conroy 47lbs 5oz
4th: Brian Rush 33lbs 7oz
5th: Jim Clarke 33lbs 4oz
6th: Joe Thormey 32lbs
7th: Bodo Funke 31lbs 1oz
8th: James Candon 29lbs 5oz
9th: Declan Conroy 25lbs 10oz
10th: Owen Garvin 22lbs 3oz
1st: Lucy Garvin 52lbs 15oz
2nd: Ann Conroy 27lbs
3rd: Jane Suffin 11lbs 12oz
4th: Denise Ryan 5lbs 1oz
5th: Ann McGlynn 2lbs 3oz
1st: Gary Nicholson 30lbs 8oz
2nd: Patrick McDonnell 9lbs 15 oz.
3rd: Ben Geoghegan 5lbs 10oz
4th: Ben Egan 1lbs 4oz
5th: Grainne Gallagher 1lbs 1oz
6th: Joe Egan 1lbs
Good Luck for the last competition on Sunday 16th. November, on Lough Key!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Clancy Cup Results
The winner of the event winning his second Cup in short succession was David Greene with a fish of 12lbs 6 oz.
2nd: James Candon with a fish of over 10lbs
3rd: Jim Clarke with a 9lbs pike.
Well Done to all!
A big Thank you goes to Ann and Des at Clancys Bar, Knockvickar for once again hosting the presentation and all their hospitality.
Some Photos:
An update of the League is to follow in due course.
Watch this space!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Clancy Cup
Fishing will be from 10am to 3pm (4pm weather permitting).
We will be starting from the Marina in Keshcarrigan.
Anybody interested in driving there together from Boyle, we will be meeting at McGraths, Carrick Road at 9 am.
The Presentation of prizes will take place in Clancys Bar, Knockvickar at 8.30 pm.
See you there.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
That League again!
Male Top 10
1st: John Nicholson 58lbs 7oz
2nd: Eamon Conroy 39lbs 13oz
3rd: Joe Thormey 32lbs
4th: David Greene 28lbs 4oz
5th: Bodo Funke 26lbs 15oz
6th: Brian Rush 26lbs 14oz
7th: Jim Clarke 22lbs 11oz
8th: Bas De Ridder 17lbs 11oz
9th: Gerry Lyons 17lbs 10oz
10th: Owen Garvin 16lbs 9oz
1st: Lucy Garvin 35lbs 15oz
2nd: Ann Conroy 24lbs.15 oz
3rd: Jane Suffin 6lbs 2oz
4th: Denise Ryan 5lbs 1 oz
5th: Ann McGlynn 2lbs 3oz
1st: Gary Nicholson 22lbs 14oz
2nd: Patrick McDonnell 9lbs 15oz
3rd: Ben Geoghegan 5lbs 10oz
4th: Ben Egan 1lbs 4oz
5th: Grainne Gallagher 1lbs 1oz
6th: Joe Egan 1lbs
There is now only two competitions to go to decide this years winners.
Next event is the Clancy Cup on the 2nd of November on Lough Scur, followed by our last competition on Lough Key on the 16th November.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
More Baby Joy for Club members!
Sorry John, although you are probably never going to forget that weight, we can't record these pounds here (-: !!!
But that's not all, this joyful event also makes Club member Christy Greene a Grandad again and our PRO David Greene is now also an uncle again. Of course Junior member Gary Nicholson is now also an uncle.
Congratulations to all of you and your families! Great news.
Lucy wins the Conroy Cup
In second place was Michael Rush with his pike 7lbs 9oz
Third place went to Declan Conroy for his fish weighing 7lbs 8oz.
Gary Nicholson caught once again the biggest fish in the Junior section.
Congratulations to all the winners!!!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Congratulations Grandad
Congratulations to Jim, Sharon, Aisling and her partner, Well done!!!
Michael Conroy Cup
Venue for this event is Lough Skean, Ballyfarnon. Fishing from 11am til 4pm.
The presentation of all prizes will take place in Dodd's Bar, Boyle at 9pm.
This is an open pike angling competition, boat angling only. Members pounds recorded.
There will be refreshments on the Shore during the day.
Hospice Cheque

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
The League!
(Stand after 24/08/08)
Mens Top 10:
1st: John Nicholson 58lbs 7oz.
2nd: Eamon Conroy 39 lbs 13 oz.
3rd: Joe Thormey 32 lbs -
4th: Bodo Funke 26lbs 15 oz.
5th: David Greene 24lbs 2 oz.
6th: Brian Rush 22lbs 8oz.
7th: Jim Clarke 20lbs 1 oz.
8th: Bas De Ridder 17lbs 11oz.
9th: Gerry Lyons 17lbs 10oz
10th: Francis McGlynn 16lbs 8oz.
1st: Lucy Garvin 23lbs 2 oz
2nd: Ann Conroy 14lbs 2 oz
3rd: Denise Ryan 5lbs 1 oz.
4th: Jane Suffin 4lbs 6oz.
5th: Ann McGlynn 2lbs 3oz.
1st: Gary Nicholson 17lbs 4oz.
2nd: Patrick McDonnell 9lbs 15oz.
3rd: Ben Geoghegan 5lbs 10oz.
4th: Grainne Gallagher 1lbs 1oz.
Friday, August 29, 2008
New calendar launched.
if you scroll down to the bottom of this page you will anymore find a calendar. It is going to be frequently updated and will include our own calendar of events, scheduled meetings, other clubs competitions and angling events throughout the country, as far as we are aware of them. It also includes public holidays and some major GAA fixtures. Have a look at it and see what you think.
It might help to some extend to avoid clashing of dates.
It is hoped that we might be able to get the dates of our neighbouring clubs and include them for our information. We hope this is useful and look forward to familiarise ourselves even more with this kind of technology.
So all members please check the calendar every now and again for our own events and perhaps other items that might be of interest.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Martin Mitchell Cup - The Results

Here is the results:

Congratulations to him, he did not only win a fantastic Cup, but he also caught a new personal best fish for himself. Well Done!!!

to the Mitchell Family, to all our own helpers, and to our catering team on the day.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Martin Mitchell Memorial Perpetual Cup - Charity Competition
This is an open pike angling competition.
All proceeds are in aid of Roscommon/Mayo Hospice.
Fishing is from 2pm to 8pm.
Entry and Start at the Doon Shore, Lough Key.
There will be Tea/Coffee, light refreshments available at the Doon Shore.
We realise that this event clashes with the Horse & Pony associations Racing Day. This has been unfortunate coincidence, but nevertheless it can't be said that there isn't a lot going on around Boyle that weekend!
Both events are for good local causes so let's hope that turnout will be equally good for both organisations.
We certainly wish them well and hope that the weather will be kind too.
Boyle & District Angling Club has a history of friendship with the Horse & Pony Club and members of both organisations have helped each other out on many occasions in the past.
In spite of the clashing events, we hope that this tradition will not be broke on this occasion and to give them a hand setting up on the Saturday. Any volunteers please contact our committee, re: meeting time, etc.
Boyle & District Angling Club are holding a meeting on Thursday August 21st in Tawnytaskin, time 10 pm.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Music Fest Junior Competition

Friday, July 25, 2008
Upcoming Events
The Martin Mitchell Perpetual Memorial Cup will be fished for on Sunday 24th, August on Lough Key. This is an open Pike Competition. All Proceeds will go to the Roscommon/Mayo Hospice.
Watch this Space for further information with regard to these events.
A meeting of the Club will be held next Wednesday, 30th of July at 10 pm in Tawnytaskin School.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Visit of the Children of Chernobyl - A big Thank you!
Activities on the day included Fun and Games, a Barbecue, gift bags and boat rides for all the kids on Lough Key.
Friends from the Boyle River Boat Club were kind enough to join forces with our own Club and brought down a few of their Cruisers to bring some of the youngsters out on, along with our own Patrol boat.
At this point, Boyle & District Angling Club would like to express our gratitude and sincerely thank all those who helped us with the event for the kids, namely:
- The generous business people of Boyle for their continuous support of the club and sponsorship.
- Businesses that sponsored items on the day included: Kennedys Londis, Kellys Supervalue, Better Buys, Surprises, Corrigans Footwear and Dalys Pub. (no particular order)
- The Boyle River Boat Club for their help and assistance.
- Last but not least, A big Thank You goes to all our own Club members who worked tireless on the day and in the week or so leading up to the event in order to make things happen! This Thank you wish is particularly being extended by our own chairman who couldn't be there on the day, but is grateful to all those for putting all the work and effort into the day. Well Done!!!
Our PRO David Greene was kind enough to take and submit a few photos...

Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Martin Mitchell Cup
Fishing times: 2pm to 8pm.
This is an open Pike angling competition, All anglers are welcome!
All proceeds of this event will go to Charity. (Roscommon / Mayo Hospice)
Entry fee: €20 per person
For more information contact Club Secretary Brian Rush on 086 2202202
Hope to see you there, as this is for a good cause!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Club on Shannonside this morning
Today two of our clubs representatives will be live on air on the program at 9.30 am.
Tune in if you can.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
The League- Update 11/06/08
Males Top 10:
- John Nicholson 52 lbs 6 0z.
- Eamon Conroy 39 lbs. 13 oz.
- Joe Thormey 32 lbs.
- Brian Rush 22 lbs. 11 oz.
- Bodo Funke 21 lbs. 8 oz.
- Gerry Lyons 17 lbs. 10 oz.
- Francis McGlynn 16 lbs. 8 oz.
- Bas De Ridder 13 lbs. 4 oz.
- Myles Quinn 13 lbs. 2 oz.
- Owen Garvin 13lbs.
- Lucy Garvin 17 lbs 14 oz.
- Ann Conroy 14 lbs. 2 oz.
- Denise Ryan 5 lbs. 1 oz.
- Jane Suffin 2 lbs. 12 oz.
- Ann McGlynn 2lbs. 3 oz.
- Gary Nicholson 12 lbs. 12 oz.
- Patrick McDonnell 9lbs. 15 oz.
- Ben Gheoghegan 5 lbs. 10 oz.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Paddy Kelly Cup

Junior Competition
1st: Ashling Sharkey
2nd: Louis Garvin
3rd: John Keane
Under 16’s
1st: Niall Casey
2nd: Daniel Quinn
joint 3rd: Diarmad Beirne & Hollie Hersey

Friday, June 6, 2008
Upcoming events this weekend
Competing Juniors will fish in two categories: 16's and under and 10's and under for the Gerry Mattimoe Cup and the Junior Shield respectively.
There will be a BBQ and refreshments for the junior anglers. Let's hope that the weather will be good and that many juniors will turn up.
On Sunday we will hold a pike angling competition on Lough key, Fishing will be for the Paddy Kelly Cup, from 11am to 6pm. This is a pounds recorded competition.
Presentation of all prizes will be in the Crannog Bar, Boyle at 8.30pm.
See you there.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Odbert Cup Presentation
The results were as follows:
Winner: Eamon Conroy
2nd: David Greene
3rd: John Gallagher
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Water keeping
Fishing will be 10 am to 10 pm on Saturday and 10 am to 8.30 pm on Sunday.
Entry fee is € 10 and must be paid before any fish can be weighed.
Members only!
This competition is limited to fly fishing methods and dapping only.
Entries will be taken at the Doon Shore from 10am to 11.30am Saturday and 10am to 11.30am on Sunday.
The Presentation of prices will take place on Sunday night at 9.30 pm in Daly's Pub.
All members please attend!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Meeting Thursday
Fisheries Awareness Day

Tuesday, April 29, 2008
League Table
Male Anglers Top 10:
1. Eamon Conroy 33lbs 12oz, 6 fish
2. Joe Thormey 32lbs 0oz, 12 fish
3. John Nicholson 29lbs 5oz, 8 fish
4. Bodo Funke 21lbs 8oz, 4 fish
5. Gerry Lyons 17lbs 10oz 1 fish
6. Francis McGlynn 16lbs 8oz, 6 fish
7. Bas De Ridder 13lbs 4oz, 3 fish
8. Myles Quinn 13lbs 2oz, 3fish
9. Owen Garvin 12lbs, 1 fish
10. Fred Phillips 10lbs 4oz, 2 fish
1. Lucy Garvin 17lbs 14oz 6 fish
2. Denise Ryan 5lbs 1oz 1fish
3. Ann McGlynn 2lbs 3oz 1 fish
3. Ann Conroy 2lbs 3oz, 1 fish
4. Jane Suffin 1lbs, 1 fish
1. Patrick McDonnell 8lbs 7oz, 3 fish
2. Gary Nicholson 8lbs 2oz, 4 fish
3. Ben Geoghegan 5lbs 10oz, 2 fish
Monday, April 28, 2008
Paddy Kelly Cup - Photos

Shown above is Kieran McCormack, Killishandra, the winner of this years Paddy Kelly Memorial Competetion with his winning fish.
Also pictured is local Junior angler Ben Geoghegan with one of several pike he caught on the day. Well Done Ben!!!
It's great to see more Juniors coming along and getting involved in the wonderful past time that angling is.
The Results of the Paddy Kelly Memorial Perpetual Cup were as follows:
1st: Kieran McCormack, Killishandra
2nd: Paul O'Dowd, Ballyconnell
3rd: John Nicholson, Boyle
Friday, April 25, 2008
Catch & Release
I endevour to update this page frequently, but members please also feel free to send me some stuff for publication here. Anything you might find of interest or a good photo of a fish or anything else you would like to share with the Club, please drop me a line at: or alternatively give me a call.
I found this on the website of a Canadian Fishing Camp and thought I might share it with you:
"Recognizing the importance of maintaining our monster pike we instantly
instituted a catch and release policy from day one of our operation so that we
might share these beautiful TROPHY PIKE with you! Catch and release fishing is
not just a marketing gimmick to us or something that was initiated recently out
of necessity to save the fishery but rather it's a way of life for us. Our catch
and release policy has allowed us to have 100% control of our trophy pike
A bit of food for thought, any chance to turn back time???
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Meeting Reminder
Also don't forget that we will be fishing for the Paddy Kelly Memorial Perpetual Cup on Sunday; Venue: Lough Na Blaithe. Looking forward to see you there.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Junior Anglers!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
School Tidy Up!!!
Angler of the Year - League Table
After three "pounds recorded" competitions so far, this is what the Leaderboard looks like at the moment:
Male Anglers Top 10:
- Eamon Conroy 26 lbs 14oz, 4 fish
- Joe Thormey 21lbs 8oz, 2 fish
- Bodo Funke 18lbs 12oz, 2 fish
- Gerry Lyons 17lbs 10oz 1 fish
- John Nicholson 14lbs 3oz, 3 fish
- Owen Garvin 12lbs, 1 fish
- Francis McGlynn 11lbs 9oz, 2 fish
- Myles Quinn 11lbs 8oz, 2fish
- Fred Phillips 10lbs 4oz, 2 fish
- Bas De Ridder 9lbs 10oz, 2 fish
- Denise Ryan 5lbs 1oz 1fish
- Lucy Garvin 4lbs 8oz 2 fish
- Ann Conroy 1lbs 2oz, 1 fish
- Jane Suffin 1lbs, 1 fish
- Gary Nicholson 4lbs 14oz, 2 fish
- Patrick McDonnell 2lbs 3oz, 2 fish
Next fixture is the Paddy Kelly Memorial Perpetual Cup, which is being fished on the 27th of April 2008, on Lough Na Blaithe.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Friday, April 4, 2008
Upcoming events
The next upcoming competition is the Paddy Kelly Memorial Perpetual Cup, which is being fished on Sunday the 27th of April. The venue for this competition is Lough NaBlaithe. Fishing is from 11 am to 6 pm.
As usual our strict Catch & Release policy is in place, please support this policy.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Presentation to Charity
The above picture was taken a recent presentation of a cheque of €1000 to the Brothers of Charity, donated by the Boyle and District Angling Club. Shown in photo is Club Secretary Brian Rush, Veroncia O’Connor, Reach Tutor, and accepting the cheque on behalf of the Brothers of Charity are Anthony and Thomas.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Monday 31st March
Please send any relevant photos to:
Our next club competition will be the Paddy Kelly Cup, which is going to be fished on Lough Na Blaithe on the 27 of April next.
Also for anybody who is interested: Waterways Ireland are holding their big competition next weekend (5 & 6th of April). First prize is a boat, engine and trailer worth €13,500!
Information and booking through Leitrim tourism.